I have written about this before but I have found it so helpful and so easy that I want to discuss it again.

This is a real plus/plus type thing for females. It is so easy to do and doesn’t require any extra time to do it to get great results..The benefit of the Kegel exercise is to help you control urinary incontinence and possibly help you have  better orgasms. What I want you to do every time you are sitting on the toilet to urinate is to try to start and stop your flow of urine by contracting your pelvic muscles. Even if you are not able to completely stop the flow, do not give up. You are still strengthening your pelvic muscles. A recent article on this suggested you hold the flow for 10 seconds before releasing your pelvic muscles to allow the flow for ten seconds and do this over and over until you have emptied your bladder. This would take extra time and if you have the extra time and determination, then go for it. If not then just try to do the contractions every single time you urinate. Now, don’t expect quick results. This will take weeks and weeks. If you keep this up, though, I can almost guarantee  you will see positive results over time. You need to keep doing this though, for the rest of your life. Just get in the habit of it. This is not hard and how many exercises do you know of that require very little extra time or effort.

If you don’t think you can do this on your own, there are therapist that can help you with this. I’m not sure about Occupational Therapist but the ones I knew about were Physical Therapist. Maybe go online to search this.

Good luck and I would love to hear from you on this.