It seems to me that all humans suffer from allowing some “Thieves” to rob us of “Presents.” The first thief is our “Past regrets” thief. The second thief is our “Future Fears” thief. You probably get the gist of this by now as well as my pun using the word “Presents.” But just to elaborate on this, let’s explore this concept further. How many times do we dwell on what we did or said wrong in the past. And remember that usually we cannot change any of these past mistakes. We all have “If Only” scenarios.
The second thief is our constant fear of what might happen if we do so and so. I tend to be a big worry wort. All too often I’ll spend lots of time worrying about something that never really happens. So that is wasted time and effort.
So, what do these two thieves take from us? They take our joy of living in the “present”! I have actually written a blog in the past along these lines and quoted the “Serenity Prayer” which is one of my favorites. But what do I recommend and what do I try to do each day to keep my thieves at bay? I write down every little thing I have to be thankful for. I add to this list and make myself read it every single day.
Readers, I would love to know your thoughts on this matter.
Thanks and God Bless.