I was recently asked to address Cancer issues. So, here goes.

There are so many different types of Cancers from so many different causes that I hardly know where to begin. The medical specialty that addresses this is called “Hematology/Oncology” and is a specialty of extra years of training following a residency in Internal Medicine. This was not really much of a part of my residency in “Rehab. Medicine.” So, I will only cover this in general terms. One thing I do want to say right off is that it is a gross misconception that there is “one” cure for cancer! Now, there are many really good regiments/treatments for patients to go on to help prolong and perhaps cure their cancer. The very best advice for these patients is to find the best and most experienced specialist around and follow his/her advice. Some Oncologist even go further in their specialty to concentrate on breast cancer while others may focus on colon cancer, etc. But do your research and you might also wish to get more than one opinion.

Now, I would like to take this opportunity to advise everyone to stay on top of your own health and do not hesitate to go to your family doctor for anything that seems out of the ordinary that is going on with your body. Also, get your annual (or whatever is recommended) mammograms, routine blood tests, routine physicals, exrays, etc. There are so many people out there that do not do this that it is frightening. There are free clinics for people that cannot afford a doctor. Do not ignore signs and symptoms of a health problem. A family relative of mine, many years ago, ignored (and explained away) some changes in her right breast. She was embarrassed to mention it to me or her family doctor until it was way too late. When I asked her why, she told me that it was not painful so she thought it was nothing. When I did examine her, I was shocked. Her breast was so deformed, with multiple areas of “induration.” She was padding her bra with cloth to make it shaped like it was supposed to be. By the time she was diagnosed, the cancer had metastasized to her brain. Her last months of life were extremely painful and horrible. I just couldn’t believe she had ignored what was going on. She was basically very healthy otherwise. Another friend ignored the occasional blood in her feces. She said she had hemorrhoids and thought that was the cause which it could have been. But by the time her colon cancer was diagnosed, she had waited too long. Her treatments lasted many painful and agonzing years before she died. I could go on and on about cases I have known personally or read about. And this includes cancers that happen to people who seem to be extremely healthy with no real predisposing factors. But, why take chances. If you smoke, quit. You are just sticking a piece of poison in your mouth with every cigarette. Cigarettes predispose you to every cancer known to man. And chewing tobacco is a big cause of oral cancer. GERD (gastric reflux) can predispose you to esophageal cancer (see my blog on this). Excess alcohol can predispose you to liver cancer and on and on.

By this time, you are probably sick and tired of reading just one more article telling you what you already know. Sorry about that. I just wish everyone could at least stay on top of their health to give yourself the very best chance to catch anything, as horrible as cancer, early. Good luck.