What if…you want to optimize your your health? I’ve read that you should eat only during 8 hours each day. Well, I tend to have a lot of GI issues (GERD, IBS, diverticulitis) so I’m trying this. I only eat from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM each day. This is not the easiest thing to do but since I am retired I can actually do this. Now, why is this supposed to be beneficial? Well as far as my limited research has told me it is because it helps a persons “microbiome” do its job. You want to help out all your good bacteria process the food you eat to the best of its abilities. Along this line, I highly recommend you supplement your diet with probiotics such as VSL#3 or Align. VSL#3 is the better of the two but it is expensive. You can get it without a prescription but if you can get your doctor to prescribe it your insurance might help cover the cost. Align is over the counter. By the way, if you have IBS you definitely want to be on VSL#3. Discuss this with your GI doctor. Anyway, this 8 hour schedule seems to be working for me so I’m going to stick with it.
Would love to hear your questions or comments and I also highly recommend you read my next blog on gastric reflux problems and PPIs.