Dr. Dixie’s Blog

Here you will find a treasure trove of life lessons, how-tos, advice and simple tips to bookmark, download and return to again and again! Launched in 2019, Dixie’s blog will be adding more and more posts for the people all around the world.

G.I. Issues

I want to cover G. I. issues centering on the digestive tract.  This tract begins with the mouth and ends at the anus. Let's start with the mouth. I've already covered brushing, and flossing, the teeth and tongue properly and I will just stress again how important...

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How To Help You Stay Healthier

You may have heard this many times and say to yourself that it is a no brainer. My bet is, though, that you do not do this every day. The thing is to drink at least eight, eight oz. glasses of water a day. The other thing is to eat at least five servings of fruit and...

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Just Another Quick Health Tip

I will probably say this health tip over and over because it is that important. Wash your hands more frequently than you already do. And the next tip is to drink more water than you probably already do.  My recommendation is at least eight glasses a day (duh) and more...

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Kitchen Help

Be sure you wash your bananas as soon as you bring them home. You need to especially wash the bottoms as that is where the fruit fly eggs are. Dry the tops and wrap with plastic wrap. This seems to keep them fresh longer. Also, remember that you can store them in the...

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Dr. Dixie's Blog

I love to blog about everything from simple life tips and how to navigate some of life’s more serious matters like abusive relationships and medical issues. Join me on HOW TO DO LIFE!

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